"The Great Apes 3D” brings us face to face with some of the world's rarest primates. Explore the dense rainforests and remote jungles of Africa and Indonesia to study the lives of these intelligent and curious animals...

Large Formats
38m 02s / 20m 16s /

A mesmerizing odyssey...

nWave Pictures Distribution presents “The Great Apes 3D” bringing us face to face with some of the world's rarest primates. Featuring chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans and the magnificent mountain gorillas, the film captures the emotional connection we all experience when encountering such extraordinary creatures. This is the mesmerizing odyssey of Holly Carroll, a passionate zoologist who explores the dense rainforests and remote jungles of Africa and Indonesia to study the lives of these intelligent and curious animals. Walking in the footsteps of her lifelong heroes, Dr. Dian Fossey and Dr. Jane Goodall, Holly also highlights some of the challenges the great apes face in their increasingly threatened habitats. A fascinating story of discovery and an unforgettable adventure.

“The Great Apes 3D” is an nWave Pictures Distribution release of a VisionQuest Entertainment film in association with nWave Pictures, Screen Australia and Screen Queensland. Written and produced by Sias Wilson, the film is directed by Jeremy Hogarth.

Also available in 20:16 version.

Wild Cats

Large Formats
37m 51s

Join the "Lion Whisperer" for an unforgettable journey...